Dickson County Sheriff's Office
Service Before Self

140 County Jail Drive Charlotte, TN 37036
Administrative Office:(615) 789-4130
Jail:(615) 789-4109
Dickson County Jail

The primary function of the Dickson County Jail is to provide a safe and secure environment for inmates housed at the jail and to protect the public from those incarcerated. This is accomplished by providing 24 hour medical staffing and security checks by Deputies throughout the day. The jail houses on average around 300 inmates at any given time. These inmates are classified into housing units in the jail based on a number of factors such as current charges, past charges and escape history. The jail provides several classes for inmates to attend such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Celebrate Recovery, GED (HiSET), and various other classes. Inmates are provided with the opportunity to be assigned to jobs throughout the jail as well.